(153 reviews)
Dinner, Mediterranean, Middle Eastern

NO CHEF is a food preparation philosophy. Without inventing anything new, we want to prepare dishes as they do in the Mediterranean region. As authentically, as simply, and with the best products possible.

That’s why we use only our selected Koroneiki olive oil from Greece. We cook everything in Italian butter fats, make aperitifs with wonderful Spanish cava, and bake our own Arabic flatbread...

A lot of flavors, a lot of everything, but most importantly, we want you to feel like you're on vacation in Crete.

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Client reviews and ratings

Very good
Overall rating
based on recent ratings
Food 9.69
Service 9.75
Ambience 9.66
Cleanliness 9.84
153 reviews

Food 10

Service 10

Ambience 8

Cleanliness 10


Donatas B. Dined 4 months ago

Labai skanus maistas ir ypač fainas aptarnavimas!

Food 5

Service 9

Ambience 2

Cleanliness 2


[email protected] Dined 4 months ago

Maistas skanus, valgomas, bet toli gražu neatitinka kainos. Maloniai nustebino šefė, kuri pati ieškojo kompromisų mūsų patiekalam, nes neturėjo visų ingridientų. O san mazgas nuvylė labiausiai. Tiesa įėjus pagrindinė patalpa nustebino kukliu interjeru, bet apsipratom ;)

Food 10

Service 10

Ambience 10

Cleanliness 10


Jogaile Dined 4 months ago

Food 8

Service 5

Ambience 10

Cleanliness 10


Anastasija . Dined 5 months ago

Maistas buvo puikaus skonio, tačiau už kainą tikrai mažoka porcija. Aptartavimas buvo labai vidutiniškas, nebuvo ant stalo netgi padėta servetelių (tėko prašyti).

Food 10

Service 10

Ambience 10

Cleanliness 10


Eimantė K. Dined 5 months ago

Food 10

Service 10

Ambience 10

Cleanliness 10


Alina U. Dined 5 months ago

Food 9

Service 5

Ambience 7

Cleanliness 8


Mantė Dined 6 months ago

Maistas puikus, aptarnavimas labai vidutiniškas.

Food 4

Service 7

Ambience 5

Cleanliness 8


Dominykas Dined 6 months ago

while the seafood part of the 80€ dinner for two looked a but better, the meat part was completely disappointing. you’d expect that after paying 80€ for a dinner for two people, when it comes to the meat, you’d at least be getting a nice steak or another more expensive cut of meat. however, when they brought some kebab-style ground beef pieces, I was left completely disappointed.

Food 5

Service 8

Ambience 6

Cleanliness 10


Marta U. Dined 6 months ago

Food was not bad, the idea of the 2 person meal is nice but for the price we expect a bit more variety of snacks included into the dish for 2 persons. Food was enough but either it should be a little bit cheaper or more offered. Mediterranean cusine and culture is much more hospitable and rich with vatiety of dishes. Seafood is nice but the sauce lacks taste.

Food 1

Service 10

Ambience 9

Cleanliness 10


Patricija Dined 6 months ago

Tai buvo mūsų antrasisapsilankymas NO CHEF. Pirmą kartą tai buvo maždaug prieš metus, ir tada mums tikrai labai patiko. Šį kartą užsisakėme "Open Face Shawarma". Esu alergiška medui ir pienui (ne netoleravimas, o alergija). Manau, kad restoranas turėtų nurodyti alergenus ir (arba) sudedamąsias dalis, esančias abiejuose patiekaluose, o ne tik viename iš valgiaraščio patiekalų. Sėkmės tobulėjant.